The SpeelDagHB is a day filled with activities, experiments, information, inspiration, motivation, challenges and more. Ment for young (presumably) gifted children and their parents.

Nina is qualified BHV'er
(first aid and safety).

We have made the paper and will be on TV and radio!

SpeelDagHB 1-  04 may 2016

RTV Utrecht joined us and made this item.

We have been life on RTV Utrechts's radio.

The AD (national paper) of 22 march 2016, an item telling the public about Speelvrienden and SpeelDagHB 1.



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faceFounder Speelvrienden, an online network supporting young gifted children hoping for peer contact and friendship. Owner WOW coaching & opstellingen. Together with Nina organizer of SpeelDagHB.

Owner PR by Nina.
Co-organizer of SpeelDagHB.




We thank our team members for their support:

  • Bart Tolen - Technical Support
  • And all our teammembers in: Amersfoort, Assen, Eindhoven, Enschede, Hoorn and Schiedam.

Without them the SpeelDagHB would not run so smoothly!

"It felt so natural, it was easy to walk into a classroom."

- Elena 11 yrs

"It was a cool day. To bad SpeelDagHB is not organised more often."

- a young visitor

"This is a nice and relaxed manner of discovering more about all kinds of facets of giftedness."

- a parent

"I went to the workshop of Noks Nauta, about gifted adults. I have learned a lot about myself."

- an adult visitor

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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (questions about PR and sponsoring)
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